Refresh browser when scene becomes active is not needed, the browser will update the time left himself.For Width and Height enter your native stream resolution or the size of the background you specified (else the background won't display correctly, I'm working on a fix).Post the URL you just copied into the URL field.In OBS (Studio), create a new BrowserSource.Now you should see your countdown! If it looks fine, copy the URL.Select a background color (you can also enter a URL).Select a text color (should fit your background).Enter time and date (Format: DD.MM.YYYY and mm:hh).Some commonly requested features can usually be added with widgets. To hide the borders, just click the button in the top-right, or right-click the icon in your taskbarĪdding widgets (subs/follows/viewer count/etc.).You can move the application by clicking and dragging the thin black border at top, and you can resize it by clicking and dragging the grip at the bottom-right.You can click the button at the top-left to open settings, right-click the black border at top, or right-click the icon in the taskbar After launching the program for the first time, you'll need to set your twitch channel in the settings.

You'll only have to do this the first time you launch it.

You'll need to click "More info" and then "Run anyway". "Windows protected your PC" message may appear which is the Windows Defender Smart Screen.You can download the Installer now to make it easier to install the program and it will automatically install the required dependencies (VC++ runtimes).There's explanations on there on how to add different types of chat, Twitch and Youtube chat integrated together, show subs/followers/redemptions etc, how to show viewer count, or any widget you might need. NET 4.5.2 or higherīe sure to check out the wiki at this link.

Typically would be used by single monitor streamers who need to see chat while playing. NET application for Windows that will display Twitch chat on top of a windowed or borderless windowed game.